A New Class

Today was the start of my twelve-day paragraph class. I was up early getting ready and firing up my laminator so I could get the laminated reference sheets ready. After restarting the printer and computer, the printer worked all morning and I got everything printed for today and tomorrow. Whew. That was a relief.

I have never taught a “summer” class this early but I’m already a fan of it. I’ll be done by the first week in May.

My students arrived right on time. I only had six today, as the other two won’t be able to join us until Monday. Among the eight total students, there are three sibling pairs, and the ages range from 10-16. Only one of these students is someone I already knew—her big sister is in my other class.

I think the class went pretty well. There is a lot of information to cover in that first class. Only eleven more to go.

Meanwhile, Jasper had a yard to do today, and Janet was still out with her friend all day.

I ended up going to Walmart this afternoon to buy more printer paper, because I expect to go through close to a ream of paper by the time this class ends. No student of mine can ever say I didn’t give them enough information.

Janet returned shortly after supper, loaded down with stuff she’d bought to take back to South Africa. Top priority was Chick-Fil-A sauce! She did some packing and laundry and then joined us to watch our evening video. Tomorrow is her last day here and we won’t see much of her as she’ll be working all day.

I, of course, have another class to teach and this means my schedule is altered and I’ll have to go to Aldi in the afternoon instead of the morning. I am a creature of habit and am not thrilled about having to do this three Fridays in a row. I suppose I’ll survive . . .

And by the way, the errant buttons arrived today. Too late.

Parting Shot:

These lovely red roses are blooming in the back yard where no one ever sees them except Walter when he’s mowing the grass.

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