
After all the rain and gloom we had on Saturday, yesterday was absolutely glorious—sunny, windy, and cool. Maybe the last day like that we’ll have for many months.

Yesterday was also our daughter Mary’s 33rd birthday. I hope she had a wonderful day, but we honestly don’t know as she has chosen to not include us in her life at this time. We know that she is doing very well professionally, and we do hear from her occasionally—but I’d be lying if I said we don’t miss her. Here’s a photo of her reading as a girl:

She was quite a bookworm in those days. I think she is probably too busy to do much reading now. I am too and I miss being able to lose myself in a book.

Yesterday afternoon we had our regular family Zoom, where we got to talk to Lina, Spencer, Jade, and Flynn’s whole family. As always, the girls provided entertainment for all of us.

This morning the three of us got an early start on another beautiful sunny day. I had class preparation to do, and Walter and Jasper both had to go to work. Today was Jasper’s first day at his new job, so he left at 7:30 in his brand new khaki pants.

I had a tutoring session to prepare for. Two of my students were out of town last week, so they came early for a catch-up session this morning. It was pretty intense, but for me at least the time flew by. Then the rest of the students arrived and we had our regular class. I think it went pretty well. I do have one student who struggles with paying attention, but I don’t think that’s uncommon.

After lunch I made a batch of lemon brownies before my neighbor Kim came over to visit. Then after she left I rushed over to Walmart to get supplies for the next couple of days. Tomorrow is going to be exhausting for me. I’ll still have my paragraph class, followed by my high school writing class year-end party, followed by a cookout on the patio for my writers group. I am looking forward to all of it, but as an introvert I know it will be taxing.

When Jasper left for work this morning, he thought he’d be working until 1:00, but he ended up working till 5:00. He came home, grabbed a quick snack, and left immediately for his regular game night. It’ll be interesting to see if he can keep up his active social life while also working full time. It’s almost midnight and he still isn’t home yet.

I have spent some time grading this evening and have more to do in the morning. Grading will be a daily chore all of this week and next week. Grading is what has kept me from teaching full time. I loathe it, but I also believe it’s very important for students to get timely feedback.

In the mail today we received a contribution toward our mission trip to Belize coming up in June, and we are so thankful. I have hope that at least Walter will be able to go. If you are interested in contributing, and would like to do it through our church, message me and I can send you instructions. The group leaves two months from today.

Finally, I have been very downhearted since yesterday, and will tell you the reason soon, but I’m waiting for a definitive piece of information before I jump to any conclusions.

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