Amazon Saves the Day & There is a Cute Invasion

Today I got up at a good time, got a great start on my class preparation, did school with Jasper, and got some other stuff done before deciding to go ahead and get the DVD we would be watching in class this afternoon and set it up.

My class just finished reading the Jane Austen novel Persuasion, and I thought they would enjoy seeing the movie. Well, guess what? I went to the Jane Austen section of our DVD shelves and there was no Persuasion! I KNOW I own it and have watched it before. I recently organized my DVDs and could have sworn that it was right there where it belonged. By now it was almost lunchtime, and my class starts at 2:00.

I spent an hour and a half looking for the DVD. Jasper helped me look. We did not find it. Jasper suggested Netflix. They don’t carry it. Then Lucy showed up and suggested Amazon’s instant video streaming. Now, I have Amazon Prime but have never, ever used the video service and had no idea how to go about it.

Fortunately I have offspring who know more than me. Lucy knew that Mercy’s Amazon account was already set up for our TV, so all we had to do was text Mercy and ask her for her PIN. Just before my first student arrived, we were in business! Yay for technology! I’m just waiting for the DVD to show up sometime in the next day or two. Because you know it’s going to.

Unfortunately, I was feeling rather under the weather all afternoon–nothing serious; I think it was just something I ate. I did enjoy the movie and got some knitting done.

I know I said my next knitting project would be fun, but it isn’t. I am finishing a project that I started years ago because my guilt about it has become unbearable. When it is finally done, I WILL start a fun project!

While we were still having class, Spencer got off work and then took off in his car to go fetch his new puppy. There was a lot of begging about this puppy. What convinced me to give in was the fact that Captain Jack is so lonely. I think he would be less likely to keep trying to get over the fence to play with the neighbors’ dogs if he had a little friend here in our yard.

Shortly after my students left, Spencer arrived with his new puppy, which he has named “Rudi.”

1-29-15 puppy closeup

Rudi is half Labrador and half German shepherd. He is tiny and adorable and Captain Jack is beyond thrilled. He licked Rudi so much the poor little puppy was soaking wet!

2 thoughts on “Amazon Saves the Day & There is a Cute Invasion

  1. Hi Linda, I am Edward Tefft’s mom. Remember him? He went to La Tourneau around two or three years ago and went to the chapel. I am also Joan Klerekoper’s cousin.
    I was in need of an output for all the LORD was teaching me in His word and Edward suggested (along with my husband) that I start blogging. Edward said he had a good example of how to do it and he showed me your blog. I greatly enjoy your words and feel humbled by my lack of word power. If you ever have a chance to look at my blog –, and have any suggestions – I am open to any suggestions.
    Edward is graduating this spring from TN Tech and will be going on to graduate school. He helps me a lot when he is around but he’s at college all the time.
    May the LORD bless your day!
    p.s. I liked your blog about people misunderstanding you when you ask if they want some tea. I am a big fan of Jane Austin and very thankful for all the movies of her books available on Amazon Prime.


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